Please evaluate your stance on the following statements by marking where you stand on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 represents complete agreement with the left statement, and 10 represents complete agreement with the right statement.

Experts, highlighting the most significant divides, generally agree on the situation. They all, in one way or another, point to social divides along the lines of “secularism vs. religiosity,” socio-economic inequality, ethnic, and political disagreements.
“The religious-secular divide is a major source of tension. The secular population and ultra-Orthodox communities have serious disagreements over the influence of religion on state policy.” “The religious-secular divide is deepening as the ultra-Orthodox gain more influence in politics.” “The conflicts between religious and secular citizens continue to intensify, especially over issues of education and family law.”
“Socio-economic inequality in society is causing an increase in protest sentiments. The problem of resource distribution between the rich and the poor is worsening.” “Socio-economic inequality between different layers of society is leading to a growing divide between the center and the periphery.” “Socio-economic inequality is becoming an increasingly acute issue, leading to a rise in internal tension.”
“Ethnic tensions between the Jewish and Arab populations remain key, and they continue to negatively impact the stability of the country.” “The ethnic divide between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority remains acute. This is due to ongoing discrimination and security-related conflicts.”
“Political divides are becoming increasingly significant, especially in light of the growing polarization between the right and the left.” “Political divides are intensifying amidst ongoing debates over the peace process and the future of relations with the Palestinians.”
Ultimately, “Geopolitical factors and religious conflicts are exacerbating existing divides.” “Economic inequality and geopolitical conflicts are intensifying social contradictions and polarization.” “Socio-economic inequality and discrimination against the Arab population are contributing to increased societal tension.” “The worsening of social inequality and economic factors are undermining social stability in the society.” “Socio-economic inequality is exacerbated by the growing influence of ultra-Orthodox parties, which is deepening the religious-secular divide.” “Religious influence on politics and economic inequality continue to fuel the growth of social divides.” “The politicization of religious issues and the rise of nationalist sentiments continue to fuel the growth of societal divides.” “Discrimination against the Arab population and the growing religious influence on politics continue to exacerbate existing divides.” “The unfair distribution of resources and the politicization of religious issues are worsening societal contradictions.” “The rise of nationalist sentiments and uneven resource distribution are continuing to deepen societal contradictions.”
Experts characterize the social base of the divides as follows:
Economic elites and low-income groups occupy opposing positions on issues of resource distribution. Highly paid professionals in high-tech and low-skilled workers face different economic opportunities, which exacerbates social divides. Economic elites and representatives of less affluent segments of the population are increasingly diverging on issues of social justice.
The secular population of large cities is contrasted with ultra-Orthodox communities, which demand the enforcement of religious norms at the state level; these groups continue to occupy opposing positions in public debates. Secular and religious groups continue to diverge on key issues related to education and public norms.
Political parties representing right-wing and left-wing ideologies continue to divide society on key issues related to security and the peace process. Right-wing and left-wing political forces continue to polarize society, creating ever-deeper divides.
The Jewish majority and the Arab minority represent opposing social groups, creating constant tension in society. Ethnic tension between the Jewish and Arab populations remains a primary source of conflict in society.
Experts identify the main actors—forces behind the intensification of divisions—as political parties, religious leaders, economic elites, and external forces.
“Political parties and religious leaders actively contribute to the deepening of social divides to achieve their goals.” “Religious leaders and political parties stimulate the growth of conflicts to increase their influence.” “Political parties and religious leaders continue to deepen divisions in society for their own interests.” “Political parties and religious leaders use societal divisions to mobilize their base.”
“Economic elites and political parties use existing disagreements to strengthen their positions.” “Political parties and economic elites continue to sustain divides in society to maintain control.” “Religious leaders and economic elites continue to support divisions to reinforce their positions.”
“Economic elites and external forces are interested in maintaining existing divisions to achieve their goals.” “External forces and religious leaders have a significant impact on deepening societal divisions.” “Economic elites and external forces actively contribute to the growth of social conflicts.”
In the experts’ responses regarding external forces behind the intensification of divisions, political parties and religious leaders are mentioned most frequently, followed by economic elites. External forces are mentioned the least often.
Given the intensification of societal divisions, it is understandable that when asked about the prevailing emotions in society, experts primarily highlight two responses: resentment and aggression (bitterness, fear, resentment), as well as depression and asthenia (indifference, fatigue). Satisfaction and self-affirmation (hope, confidence) receive the lowest scores.
The most promising trends for Israel are:
- A trend towards the implementation of the “Two States for Two Peoples” concept, with the necessity of several compromise solutions.
- A moderate shift towards a secular state.
- Orientation towards the Collective West, with some hints of a pivot towards the Global South.
- A geographic and sociocultural “middle ground” between West and East, with a tendency towards the West.
The most significant societal divisions are along the lines of secularism versus religiosity, socio-economic inequality, ethnic, and political differences.
The main forces driving the intensification of these divisions are political parties, religious leaders, economic elites, and external forces.
The predominant emotions among the population recently include resentment and aggression, as well as depression and asthenia.