Human development for all
- The problem of integrating highly qualified Russian-speaking repatriates 45+ into the socio-economic sphere of Israel.
- Old age as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Analysis and technologies for overcoming discrimination and self-discrimination among adults in various spheres of life.
- The “Russian-speaking” agenda in the academic and socio-political space of Israel. Its impact on the leveling of life opportunities for Russian-speaking Aliyah.
The sphere of civic initiatives
Practices of self-organization and socio-political consolidation of the population.Democratic participation in the governance of society at different levels.
- Opportunities for Solidarization of Linguistic Minorities in Israel and the Realization of Human Development for All.
- The potential for socio-political activism of the Russian-speaking Aliyah in defending their rights and improving their socio-economic level.
- Discrimination against Linguistic Minorities in Israel: Objective and Subjective Aspects.
- Institutional readiness of society to the processes of decentralization of power in two directions. Legal framework, organizational and personnel and financial security. The social basis and interaction between the authorities and the population.
- Problems of interaction between different ethno-cultural groups in places of compact residence.
- Municipal Authorities and the Local Community: Readiness to Cooperate.