Jubilee meeting of the Coordinating Expert Council on Social Policy at the Institute of Social Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of the work was held in a videoconference format on December 15, 2022.
The meeting was attended by: Director of the Institute Leonid Ilchuk; Chairman of the Bureau of Political and Social Research Rostislav Dzundza; Chairman of the NGO “Dor Moriah” (Israel), Igor Kaminnik and others.
Following a fruitful discussion of the situation of social development and civil society participation in it, the focus is on:
– Civil society in Ukraine and other democracies around the world actively influences international processes related to planning for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction and participates in the development of international aid strategies;
– At present, the Government of Ukraine is accelerating the processes of denationalization of the social sphere and privatization of the social infrastructure in Ukraine, which leads to an increased role of civil society organizations in solving social problems, especially in the provision of social services;
– the war led to a sharp decline in human development and one of the most important tasks of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine is the introduction of a political approach – “human development as the goal of state and social policy of local government;
– without a solidary society and the development of instruments of self-organization, the real recovery of Ukraine is ineffective.
The Coordination and Expert Council for Social Policy identified the following priorities:
– involvement of international experts and organizations in the activities of the Council;
– conducting the necessary research to determine the readiness of the population of Ukraine and civil society to participate in social reforms of the social welfare system;
– Preparation of recommendations and analytical papers on social reform, implementation of social protection indicators, and policy analysis in terms of human development.
The following events are planned in the near future:
– preparation of an analytical note for international experts and organizations describing approaches and proposals for the expansion of the Council’s activities;
– preparation of a letter to the Minister of Social Policy with information about the planned expansion of the Council’s activities;
– preparation of a collection dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Council’s activity;
– conducting a study to assess civil society’s readiness to denationalize Ukraine’s social infrastructure.