Is a solidarity response to the pandemic in the Odessa region possible?

On December 9, 2021, an international meeting was held at the premises of Caritas Ukraine International Charitable Foundation. Meeting of the Coordination and Expert Council at the Research Institute of Social Policy of the Ministry of Social Policy and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine . This International Meeting, envisaged within the framework of the project “Solidarity response to the socio-economic impact of the pandemic”.

The project was developed by the Analytical Center “Dor Moriah” (Israel) by order of Bureau of Social and Political Developments (Ukraine)

The meeting was attended by representatives of Caritas-Ukraine и UNICEF Ukraine . The first stage of the project involves social diagnostics. The objective is to study the attitudes of the population towards the socio-economic impact of the pandemic and the activities of the authorities in response to the pandemic. Primary results of social diagnostics in Odessa region, prepared by the Institute’s specialists. They show that the active part of the region’s residents is the most important resource in overcoming the socio-economic consequences of the coronacrisis. Based on the results of social diagnostics, normative legal documents will be developed and lobbied for. At the level of the Odessa region, these documents will facilitate a solidarity response from the residents. As well as support for citizen activism on the part of state and local self-government bodies