Israelis tend to believe that Israel joining the BRICS alliance will, in one way or another, affect relations with the countries and unions listed below. However, such forecasts vary significantly, indicating a weak formation of public perceptions about this situation. This is also evidenced by more than a third of respondents who found it difficult to answer this question.
Regarding the United States, 29% of respondents believe that Israel’s joining BRICS will positively affect their relationship with Israel, while an equal percentage believe it will negatively affect it, and a slightly larger share of responses falls under the “don’t know” category. A similar situation exists concerning the European Union and Russia. Concerning Iran, only 6% believe that joining BRICS will improve its relations with Israel, about a third think it will worsen them, another third found it difficult to answer, and roughly one in four believe that such joining will not affect Iran’s relationship with Israel.
A somewhat clearer and most positive outlook is noted concerning India and Saudi Arabia. In both cases, the proportion of responses indicating a positive impact of this event is 2-4 times higher than the share of negative expectations, as well as the “no impact” option.
Table 7.1: How do you think Israel joining the BRICS alliance will affect or not affect its relations with the following countries? If it does affect, in what way?

With respect to the USA, EU and India, the Israelis who observe tradition give significantly higher values of the index of improving relations.
With respect to Russia, the most optimistic assessments are given by religious Israelis, and with respect to Saudi Arabia – by Secular and Traditional.
With respect to Iran, the Index values are clearly negative in all groups, but they are most negative among religious Israelis (-33.7).
Do you think that Israel’s accession to the BRICS union will or will not affect its relations with the following countries? If it will, then how? %/ secularity religiosity.