Imagine: your voice is heard in every home, in every corner of the country. This is the idea of decentralization – a change in the model of the state that is designed to make each of us an important link in decision-making.
This project is a way to increase your influence in shaping and implementing policy decisions. It seeks to create a model of governance where local communities play a crucial role at all levels, from the smallest neighborhood to the entire country.
The key idea here is the principle of subsidiarity. It means that governance issues should be addressed where people live and work, where those solutions can be most effective. This leads to the possibility of better understanding and more accurate solutions to the issues that are closest to each of our hearts.
The essence of the project is to legitimize the organs of self-organization of society through an important law. This law will promote the development of new technologies and the preservation of traditions, ensuring that they work together in innovation.
Decentralization is a chance for everyone to be heard, to participate and to influence the future of the country
Model description
The creation of regional parliaments based on the seven districts into which Israel is divided, in accordance with the model of the Israeli Interior Ministry.
Seven regional parliaments are elected with delegated powers and resources, including the collection of some taxes, for their implementation.
Changing the electoral system by creating a bicameral parliament instead of the Knesset:
deputies of the lower house are elected from regional parliaments under the majoritarian system;
members of the upper house of parliament are elected under the proportional system. Members of regional parliaments are elected under the majoritarian system.
The division into two chambers implies the separation of centrifugal and centripetal tendencies, which are present in every federal state. At the same time, the lower house, which can be called the regional house, which represents the interests of the regions at the federal level, is always trying to take more powers and become more independent. The upper one, I would call it political, limits separatist tendencies.
The upper house of the Knesset enacts federal laws and laws related to the ratification of international agreements.
The upper house is elected by party lists, and provides a battle of party ideologies.
The lower house is elected by majority vote, by the regions themselves, with an equal number of deputies from each region.
Increasing the competence and activity of local communities in solving territorial and regional problems will require:
– Increasing the solidarity of local communities in solving the problems of their territories and the level of their competence by implementing permanent special educational programs;
– assistance in the creation of appropriate public structures, such as public councils at local government bodies and bodies of self-organization of the population;
– Legislative legitimization of bodies of self-organization of the population and delegating to them the power to solve the socio-economic problems of the territory of residence.
The development of solidarity and self-organization is proposed in accordance with Model 4C
Introduction of the Human Development Index as an integral indicator of social development and transparency of governance systems. Adaptation of existing indicators of the UNDP human development model to the needs of regional and local socio-economic governance.
The introduction of economic models, taking into account regional specifics, focused on the interests of local communities.
– improvement of legislation in the cooperative movement, including the construction industry;
– Development of social dialogue at the regional level, through the introduction of tripartism tools.
Description of activities
– Conducting research on public attitudes toward the idea of federalization, including as a tool for the peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict;
– Preparation of an analytical note on possible mechanisms of decentralization and the necessary changes in the regulatory framework;
– Initiate a public discussion and information campaign to ensure favorable public opinion about the process;
– Development of a campaign to promote the idea of federalization through social mobilization, lobbying, and elections.