Regarding the nature of this conflict, opinions have split into two widely represented camps. Adherents of the view that this is a conflict defining contemporary geopolitics constitute 41%. However, an even more significant portion (59%) is convinced that this conflict is primarily economic competition within the framework of the global economy between the countries of the Golden Billion and developing countries.

At the same time, a significant part of respondents (22%), mostly women (28% versus 17.1% of men), find it difficult to determine the essence of this conflict.
This question is a rare case where there is no fundamental difference in the answers between secular, observant and religious Israelis. There is not much difference in the answers of respondents separated by educational level. Perhaps respondents with the lowest educational level speak much less often about the geopolitical essence of the conflict (24.1% and about 33% in other groups).
Table 2.1. If such a conflict exists, which of the following definitions, in your opinion, characterizes its essence? %

However, respondents born in former Soviet countries are significantly more likely to view this conflict as a geopolitical issue (53.1% versus 31% for Sabras), whereas Sabras are more inclined to see it as primarily an economic competition (46.2% versus 31.1% for those born in former Soviet territories). In the Jewish sector, nearly twice as many respondents perceive this conflict as defining modern geopolitics compared to the Arab sector (33.8% versus 18.8%). Conversely, in the Arab sector, nearly twice as many respondents found it difficult to answer this question.
Table 2.2. If such a conflict exists, which of the following definitions do you think best describes it? % / education

It is interesting that those who affirm the existence of a conflict are more inclined to consider it a geopolitical phenomenon rather than an economic one (39.5% versus 22.4% of those who answered that this conflict does not exist).
Table 2.3. Contingency table of data on the existence of a conflict between the South and the West and its essence