To what extent do you follow the U.S. election campaign? (%)
Two-thirds of Israelis express a strong interest in the U.S. election campaign, but only 16% regularly follow the situation. The religious segment of the Israeli population follows the events significantly less frequently than others.

Interest in this topic does not correlate with the level of education or country of birth, and only slightly with a higher level of income. The Jewish population is significantly more likely to be interested in this topic compared to the Arab population (over 70% of the former regularly or occasionally follow events, compared to 50% of the latter).
To what extent do you follow the U.S. election campaign? (%) / education, income, country of birth, nationality

To what extent do you follow the U.S. election campaign? (%) / Religiosity

Unless otherwise specified, the indices are calculated as the difference between the sum of varying degrees of positive and negative responses. This allows for determining whether positive or negative responses prevail and for comparing diverse responses between groups. The possible range of index values is from -100 to +100 percentage points.
It is interesting that respondents who prefer the victory of the Democratic Party candidate, Kamala Harris, follow the U.S. presidential election more frequently (27.1% compared to 17.9% of those who prefer Donald Trump’s victory), as well as participants in mass protests.
To what extent do you follow the U.S. election campaign? (%) / Preferred candidate and participation in mass protests

In terms of “social activity,” it is predictably less common for those who are not engaged in socially significant activities to report that they regularly follow the U.S. election campaign (10.6% compared to 25-40.2% of those who reported being members of an organization or volunteers). The most active followers of these events are members of political organizations, followed by members of civic organizations, and then in comparable proportions, members of religious communities and volunteers.
To what extent do you follow the U.S. election campaign? (%) / Social activity

Attention to these events is driven by the role of the U.S. in Israel’s life.
According to the majority of Israelis, Israel’s international status and influence on global processes are most dependent on the U.S., followed (in decreasing order of significance) by its international economic cooperation and national security.

To what extent, in your opinion, do the situations in various fields in Israel depend on relations with the United States?

Some unity on the issue of the (in)dependence of various aspects of Israel from the U.S. is observed among secular and, to varying degrees, religious Israelis (traditional and Haredim) only regarding domestic politics.
It is worth noting that this is the only area where Israelis tend to view it as relatively independent from the U.S., as indicated by close-to-zero and negative dependency index ratings in this sphere.
Regarding all other areas, a general trend is noticeable: secular Israelis tend to perceive a greater dependence on the U.S., traditional Israelis perceive somewhat less, and religious respondents assess the dependence as the lowest.
To what extent, in your opinion, does the situation in the following areas in Israel depend on relations with the U.S.? (%) / Degree of religiosity

By nationality, statistically significant differences between the Jewish and Arab populations primarily concern the area of Israel’s domestic politics. The Arab population tends to view it as more dependent on the U.S. than the Jewish population and less frequently considers it as independent.
To what extent, in your opinion, does the situation in the following areas in Israel depend on relations with the U.S.? (%) / Degree of religiosity