Dear Ummah (الأمة) Representatives and the Global Community,
With a heavy heart and deep sorrow, we have learned of the bloody terrorist attack that has darkened the land of Dagestan and Russia. Allow us to extend our sincere condolences to the families whose loved ones have become victims of this monstrous act of violence, as well as to all those who have suffered from this senseless brutality.
In light of this tragedy, which has left us in shock, we, the representatives of the “Dor Moria” Association, wish to emphasize that the path to overcoming radical Islam, which is behind terrorist attacks in both Israel and Russia, lies in the development and strengthening of Judeo-Islamic interfaith dialogue among the People of the Book (“Ahl al-Kitab” أهل الكتاب).
For centuries, this dialogue has, like a golden thread, connected Judaism and traditional Islam, fostering mutual acquaintance (“ta’aruf” تعارف) and productive cooperation between the Abrahamic religions. Today, this path of dialogue and interaction has not lost its relevance; in fact, it has become even more urgent.
Terrorists killed two guards at a synagogue and burned the synagogue itself. Terrorists committed a ritual murder of an Orthodox priest on the sacred Christian holiday of Trinity. All these actions, this act of discord (“fitna” فتنة), were primarily directed against traditional Islam, which ensures the peaceful coexistence of the ummah with other Abrahamic religions.
We are deeply convinced that strengthening interfaith understanding and cooperation will serve as a reliable shield against radicalization and extremism. Confronting radicalism should not occur through inciting Islamophobia or other forms of hatred, whether it is Russophobia or anti-Semitism. Such phenomena only fertilize the soil for the growth of radical sentiments and destroy the fabric of our societies, which contradicts the principles of justice (“’adl” عدل) in Islam.
We call on the leaders of traditional Judaism and traditional Islam to redouble and triple their efforts to develop dialogue and cooperation between the representatives of the Abrahamic religions. Mutual respect and understanding are the keys to the gates of peace – “sulh” (صلح) in Islamic tradition and “shalom” (שלום) in Jewish tradition – ensuring the peaceful coexistence and prosperity of our peoples.
May our joint efforts lead to the establishment of true peace, where everyone can live in safety and harmony, following the commandments of the Almighty.
With deepest respect and hope,
Igor Kaminnik, the “Dor Moria” Association Director
Mikhail Finkel, Rabbi, Public Figure, Political Scientist