According to the indices of interest we calculated for different countries regarding Israel joining BRICS, only India expresses such interest. It is the only country with a positive and significantly high level of interest (25 percentage points), while all other countries show negative levels of interest.

Table 3.1. How interested or uninterested do you think each of the following countries is in Israel joining the BRICS alliance? %

*Calculated as the difference in varying degrees of positive and negative responses (for example, Brazil: (6.8% + 17.2%) – (27.4% + 21.2%) = -24.6)
Let us note that in terms of education and religiosity, no fundamental differences or stable trends were found. It is interesting that residents of the center of Israel speak more often about such interest in Brazil (very, very interested – in total, about 30% of respondents in this area report, and a similar maximum value in other areas is 23%), while disinterest in such cooperation is fundamentally more often said residents of Jerusalem and Asharon (almost completely not interested – about 60% in total, and among other areas – 50% and below).
Table 3.2. Country’s interest in Israel joining BRICS %

Residents of the North and South most often talk about India’s interest, and the Center’s lack of interest. Relatively (but not fundamentally) higher assessments of South Africa’s interest are given by residents of Asharon, and the lowest by Jerusalem and the South, although by and large the assessments here are quite even.
Table 3.3. Country’s interest in Israel joining BRICS %

The slightest differences in the responses of residents of different regions of Israel concern the interest of Russia and China in Israel joining BRICS.
Table 3.4. The country’s interest in Israel joining the BRICS union%

An analysis of the “extreme” values of answers (the largest and the smallest) by regions of Israel showed that the residents of Jerusalem and Asharon, who equally give such assessments the greatest number of times, differ more than others in this parameter. However, residents of Jerusalem are most often characterized by negative expectations from countries regarding Israel’s accession to BRICS.
The difference in the perception of the situation in the Jewish and Arab sectors is noteworthy. The Jewish sector is more convinced of the disinterest of almost all countries listed in the survey in Israel joining BRICS. The exception is India, for which negative expectations prevail in the Arab sector. The Arab sector is more often convinced of the interest of all represented countries, except, as mentioned above, India.

Interest of countries in Israel joining BRICS /Jewish and Arab sectors %

A comparison of the position of native Israelis and immigrants from the territory of the former USSR is more clear in the Country Interest Indexes, located in the table and diagram.
Table 3.5. Interest of countries in Israel joining BRICS % / country of birth

* The index of interest in joining was calculated as the difference between the sum of positive and negative responses. For example, India (born in Israel) (18.7%+31.7%)-(18.2%+5.7%) = 26.4
The index values show that the expectations of the Sabras and immigrants from the territory of the former USSR converge with regard to the interest of South Africa and Russia, and are close with regard to China.
But there are very large differences regarding the interest of Brazil and, especially, India in Israel joining BRICS. The difference in the values of the Indian interest index is more than 50 points (-25 for immigrants from the territory of the former USSR and 26.4 for the Sabras, which reflects their fundamentally more optimistic views on these relations); the similar difference in relation to Brazil is 22 percentage points.