Social Dialogue

Modernizing Social Dialogue: Labor Rights and New Immigrants in Israel’s Changing Workforce Israel’s traditional labor framework, centered around the Histadrut labor federation, faces mounting criticism for failing to adapt to 21st-century workplace realities. This outdated system, rooted in 1930s labor paradigms, primarily serves established…

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Language Minorities in Solidarity

Russian Speakers: Israel’s Overlooked Minority Israel’s Russian-speaking community represents one of the nation’s largest linguistic and cultural minorities, rivaling the Arabic-speaking population in size. United by their Soviet and post-Soviet heritage, this group faces unique challenges in contemporary Israeli society. Viewing Russian speakers through…

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Haifa Format

The Haifa Format public initiative emerged at the end of 2017 as a tool for public diplomacy. There are many Israelis in Haifa who come from Russia, Ukraine, and the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk, all of whom have been affected in one way…

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